"We formed on our own, have fans from age four to fifty-four, perform and sing live at our shows. This boyband labeling doesn't sit well with us at all." --Drew
"Of course everybody wants to be successful, but beyond that we want to be respected. That's my goal." --Drew
"Our experiences together as a group have definitely been unique and it's made us closer. The way we live our lives is based on us as a group - we're a group first and individuals second." --Drew
"If you can feel what we feel when we're singing, then that's the greatest thing." --Jeff
"We're all very grounded guys, we all have a spiritual background. We have the proper perspective. We know as easily as it comes, it can easily be taken away. You should enjoy it while you have it." --Jeff
We want to make history. Twenty years from now, I'd like to think that 98° will leave a lasting impression." --Nick
"Most brothers at this age might be living in different cities and see each other only on the holidays. It's great because we're there for each other. It's an 'I got your back,' type of thing." --Nick
"[My goal is] to be big enough where we can really have an impact on certain things. I always want to make a difference." --Justin
"I am very calm and natural. I think over things a lot before making a decision, I think of the positives and negatives." --Justin
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